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Showing posts from February, 2015


    2015 – THE JOURNEY CONTINUES 2015, February 21 – A very long journey from October 5, 1057.  Never imagined I would still be standing, even after all those years. But, yet, here I am, Dann, just as I am. I was born a “blue” baby on a blue moon in a city full of downtrodden blues breakers. Brought into this existence by two beautiful 100% Irish Catholics. Living a Protestant life in a chaotic equinox of time and space. Rock and roll had begun the war against the country and western machine. Gospel had begun to morph into rhythm and blues eventually birthing the offspring, ‘hip hop’. Music would change beyond any misconceptions of our elders. Music would once more become the universal language of all.  Messages would be delivered via the rhythmic laminations of the minstrels of society. And the child such as I, well, we would/will witness changes of which society will never see again. Who but a soul born in the fifties could have been a Hippie, a Yippie, a Vagr