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Showing posts from 2018

Deja Vu - Irritated Nipple Syndrome Again

I post this every Fall or in this case winter as here in Canada Irated Nipple Syndrome is a reality. Mostly caused by our Northern winds and our lust for cheap polyester t-shirts.  I have been plagued with this horrifying disease for nigh on 61 years now. As fall has arrived I am once again plagued with the horrible INS, so, I am re-publishing a blog I wrote in November 2007 It seems to my contorted malformed outlook towards this self labeled existence your homo sapient species declare as humanity that as  “Atomic Mother Earth”  has another one of her annual menopausal temperature episodes, you are dancing in cohesion to her moods and wants. If my memory does not fail me, then, I recall that not just twenty-four hours ago I was strolling the Danforth in a T-shirt and blue jeans. I recall my endocentric annoyance at the sweat gathering in the furrow of my brow as I glinted from the warm brightness of the summer comparable sunlight. Yet, on this bright Thursday morn,  “Atomic

My Biggerst Battle To Date

I have been diagnosed with cancer in my neck and my head. I am awaiting surgery any day now. Many of my medications are not covered by my drug plan and I cannot afford the extra cost of traveling back and forth. I cannot eat solid food and depend on friends to buy me Ensure meal replacements. This has added extra stress and strain on my already weakened body. And I know not what to do or where to turn. As embarrassing as it is, I have turned to social media, Facebook, to ask for help. I am also exploring a crowd funding program to hopefully get more advertising and exposure for my published books which will help by bringing in a minor supplementary income. I will beat this demon cancer once again. I have already battled it twice now – most is in the attitude. Positivity creates positive results. Valhalla is not ready for me, nor am I ready for it.

16 SIGNS THAT YOU ARE AN INFJ, THE WORLD’S RAREST PERSONALITY TYPE In 1972, when first incarcerated in a Federal Penitentiary, I did the Myers-Briggs test and rated 16/16. Apparently only two percent of society has this type of personality labeled as “INFJ”. I did not understand at that time that I was an INFJ personality. I overstand now. Rasputin was beyond a doubt an INFJ. Months before reading the article in the above link, my Lighthouse side has, through a series of analytical evaluations, came to the conclusion that in another space/time continuum I was Rasputin. I am definitely a true 2% and a classic INFJ person. Am I Rasputin’s re-incarnate? #AmIRasputin #LighthouseDannVerner #TheLastCanadianCosmonaut #TheOriginalUrbanViking #amazonauthorlighthouseverner #MiFuegoDeMiCorazon

Which One Of Us Is Different?

Many people do not understand what they call “ Mental Health “. How do you explain the battle with your demons to someone that has been trained to believe that ‘ different ‘ is wrong? Is ‘ different ‘ wrong? Because to we who suffer through the constant battle of ‘ personality disorders ‘ YOU are the ‘ different ‘ one. I do not believe in any of the labels society has placed on people. I DO believe we all suffer from personality  ‘conflicts’ . Every soul on this planet suffers the same stresses and have the same emotions as everyone else. We all live in the same space/time continuum. We all eat, drink and breathe the same. We are all homo sapiens living on the same Big Blue Marble. I have many demons who are constantly looking to diminish my everyday life. They do their best to bring anger, tears, sorrow and carelessness to the forefront. I do get tired of battling them. I do give up on occasions. I don’t want to, but, I get tired. Damn, I get tired. Real


Last week I published my third volume of my "Walking On Dawes Collection" This collection shows how no matter how fantastic you believe ganglife to be, Miss Karma and her brother, Mr. Chaos always wins in the end. Today I published "Unkz, A Canadian Cosmonaut" the fourth and final volume of my "Walk With Dann Collection". The last chapter of my life, or as I should say, my various lives. I pray that my honesty and confessions will touch at least one soul and prevent them from making the wrong choices I have made.   I write my books for me. I tell my stories for my readers. “ I am not sure if my works are badly written good stories or well written bad stories. Not too sure I care either way. I do care that, in my "Walk With Dann Collection", I am telling my life as brutally truthful as possible. In shame and in honour. I do care that my 'stand alone' books, such as " The Last Canadian Cosmonaut "


Back on February 16, 2018 I saw on the evening news how Loblaws was offering a $25 rebate card for their part of the bread price fixing fiasco.  I had to have been one of the very first to apply. Mind you this was last February. I waited patiently.  My neighbours were all receiving theirs. Finally, after checking my blank “STATUS” over and over, I decided to inquire as to why it was taking so long. Here is the first email ….sent May 16, 2018 I submitted my registration on 16/02/18 My ID number is: WCB******* I even updated my address when I moved. I emailed before and was merely told it could take up to 12 weeks. My question is why have I not received a card when all my Neighbors received their cards weeks ago, many who registered long after I had Powered by Cricket Wireless CAA – Loblaw Info Thu, May 17, 12:03 PM Dear Daniel, Thank you for your email. Your registration is processing. We will