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Showing posts from November, 2018

My Biggerst Battle To Date

I have been diagnosed with cancer in my neck and my head. I am awaiting surgery any day now. Many of my medications are not covered by my drug plan and I cannot afford the extra cost of traveling back and forth. I cannot eat solid food and depend on friends to buy me Ensure meal replacements. This has added extra stress and strain on my already weakened body. And I know not what to do or where to turn. As embarrassing as it is, I have turned to social media, Facebook, to ask for help. I am also exploring a crowd funding program to hopefully get more advertising and exposure for my published books which will help by bringing in a minor supplementary income. I will beat this demon cancer once again. I have already battled it twice now – most is in the attitude. Positivity creates positive results. Valhalla is not ready for me, nor am I ready for it.

16 SIGNS THAT YOU ARE AN INFJ, THE WORLD’S RAREST PERSONALITY TYPE In 1972, when first incarcerated in a Federal Penitentiary, I did the Myers-Briggs test and rated 16/16. Apparently only two percent of society has this type of personality labeled as “INFJ”. I did not understand at that time that I was an INFJ personality. I overstand now. Rasputin was beyond a doubt an INFJ. Months before reading the article in the above link, my Lighthouse side has, through a series of analytical evaluations, came to the conclusion that in another space/time continuum I was Rasputin. I am definitely a true 2% and a classic INFJ person. Am I Rasputin’s re-incarnate? #AmIRasputin #LighthouseDannVerner #TheLastCanadianCosmonaut #TheOriginalUrbanViking #amazonauthorlighthouseverner #MiFuegoDeMiCorazon