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Showing posts from February, 2013


OK, I will try to say this with out sounding like a bigot ........ All over the news is this thing to make it ok for those of you who are illegally here in Toronto, (apparently there are 400,000) to go to shelters or food banks. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE???  Does the news tell everyone that if you are born and raised here and  receive Child Tax you cannot get help from the Salvation Army here in Scarborough? Do they ever show pictures of Canadian born children hungry??? Ontario is sliding so far down hill with its politics and catering to others that we are now a national joke. We will spend millions on gay pride, wastefully spend money studying why cement falls off the Gardiner Expressway - (which, as my 9 year old pointed out, is caused by gravity, that is what makes things fall, so there the mystery is solved). The money spent studying the poor could be better spent feeding the poor - AND I DO NOT MEAN THE POOR WHO ENTERED AND LIVE HERE ILLEGALLY. I MEAN THE POOR WHO'S FA