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Showing posts from August, 2009

Across My Universe

So, I pleasured my senses by watching "Across The Universe" for the twentieth time. As usual, I had tears roll down my cheeks, at certain points. Emotion. Emotion. Emotion. Brought on by the mystical lyrics of Masters Lennon and McCartney. Or perhaps not.....perhaps not. Perhaps brought on by my memories of the Cultural Revolution I was blessed to live in and through during my formable years. There can never be a repetition of the gift given to modern society by the Beatles. That t-shirt has been worn. Their's was the catalyst of the dawning of the age of Aquarius. The frontal mass of the Army of Peace. It amazes me that a simple, poetic, well thought written song or, rather, a collection of songs, can bring forth such emotional thought processes in so great a number of souls. Mankind can never witness a feat as this again. Because they have surpassed the simplicity of the message. Ninety nine percent of modern day music carries little or no meaning (other then "m


There are numerous avenues and ways in which to offer up thanks and gratitudes for Blessings that Be. Which one of these is best sincere to show such? I know not, therefore I merely go with my instinctive inner voice. "I offer my gratitude to The Creators for the life I have been given in this multiverse and space/time continuum. I am humbled by their gifts of trials, tribulations, conflicts and woes. For without these I would not be aware of the true gifts of success, overstanding, resolution and joy." In my adolescent "Walk with Dann" I have seen, accomplished and experienced far more then most men. I have witnessed violence, I have experienced violence and I have been victimized by violence. In my senior "Walk" I have witnessed peace, experienced the 'turning of the other cheek' and held my hand out to the victim. Life is like the Spirit of the Ocean. She can be a mighty mean 'Whore' or a calming 'Lady'. It all depends on how and