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Showing posts from January, 2024


  Oh Darkness, Darkness, near and far There you are, there you are Here I stand with joy in my eyes. My ears hear not your beckoning cries I am too strong for you to deceive Darkened deceit powerless here No longer trapped or do I fear Dance I will in glowing Light Wallow you in Darkness of night Come morning anew each day Smile and joy find their way Deep within mind so bright Appreciation’s gratitude Ignites life’s Light Head held high with steps of pride Confidence built with every stride Come upon you another man Enlighten his spirit as best you can Walk into life with respect and pride Never allow the fallacies of some To query who you have become Occassions may cause life to stumble Recover you stride, stay you humble STAY YOU HUMBLE

Black or White, The True Colours of Life

My true intentions of life lived is as simple as this picture. Life is black and white with a kaleidoscope of color in between. The colours of emotions. There lays the black Darkness of deceits and depression with their sublime intents lurking in the gray areas of doubts and uncertainty. The brightness of love and friendship are locked within the hidden hues that are visible only when the inner truth of ones real self is offered as the persona known as ' you '. It matters not if ones brightest colours are visible at all, as long as the true colours are mirrored by your personality. Come the brightest of day or the darkness of night, in the end all colours will lay hidden safely behind the shadows of a monochromatic aura. To walk through existence bathed in a rainbow of  neon colours exposes the falsehoods of the you who you think others wish to know. A humbled soul with confidence of self needs no colour to shine bright. For a well deserved life is black and white .

Will History Remember?

I  am left to wonder if 80 years from now will we be speaking about   the slaughter   of the tens of thousands noncombatant innocent Palestinian civilians in the Gaza strip. I have been greatly affected by this Israeli/Hamas War. I fear the political tensions in the Middle East. I have feared the unrest in the Middle East for as long as I can remember. The reasoning being the constant armed conflicts that have plagued the Middle Eastern countries since before the recording of history. Literally, for all known time there has been one war after another. There has never been a time of peace in the Middle East. Never! Why has this been? What is it that causes so many different countries to have continuous conflict? I cannot comprehend how society has evolved and advanced so scientifically, technol ogically  and domestically, yet, spiritually we are stagnated. Religiou s  Faith   becomes involved and we revert back to the barbaric bigotry and hateful judgement   of long past  millennials. W

7 Plains in 7 Multiverses

  Due to various health conditions I have had to be resuscitated and spend weeks on life support. This has been documented 11 times now. 4 occasions were near death. 7 were actually death. Considered legally dead 7 times.  I have had both ‘ near death experiences ‘ and on the 7 occasions ‘ after death experiences ‘. Hence how I obtained the name “ LightHouse “. I have written about my experiences numerous times in my blogs , podcasts and my autobiography. 7 times I encountered 7 pathways to choose from. 7 times I was returned. Few will believe because few are spiritual and self aware enough to comprehend that our physical self here, in this space/time continuum, is just one of 7 multiverses. Mankind’s concept of the ‘ afterlife ‘ and existence is marred by the impressions taught by the various five thousand plus religions currently being followed on Earth. We are an energy and energy is Light. All living things are energy. All will eventually become Light. We are not supposed to be sel


Enough is enough! Shame on Israel! Shame on Hamas ! War solves nothing! Sit and work out a two state deal and lose your damn arrogant pride! There is no way that you can justify the  GENOCIDE  of innocent noncombatant Palestinian civilians  – especially the large amount of youth and elderly. You should be ashamed of yourself for refusing to allow  PROPER   humanitarian aid into Gaza. You purposely destroyed Gaza’s infrastructure to add to the humanitarian crisis. You are showing the same hatred and prejudice towards the Palestinians as the Natzi’s showed the Jews during World War 2. Israel’s actions have caused a growth in antisemitism worldwide and that is not right. IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT PEOPLE DO NOT SHOW HATRED TO THE JEWISH PEOPLE LIVING IN OTHER COUNTRIES. As I have said many times  …… NOT EVERY PALESTINIAN IS A HAMAS TERRORIST! JUST AS NOT EVERY JEW IS AN ISRAELI TERRORIST! WE ARE CLOSE TO A GLOBAL CONFLICT AND THE POSSIBILITY OF A THIRD WORLD WAR.  REMEMBER – THERE WIL

Good Night, Campers!

  Hey Campers,  just popping in to see what condition your condition is in. Me ? All is good in my hood. The opiates keep the pain at bay. Sad, though, that I must live this way. Main thing is that I am alive. Especially after all that I survived. So, I leave you this night so I may rest. Smile my friends. I wish you only the best. When come the morning I shall smile once more for your wellbeing I adore. If all I wish for does come true, then I will see a wonderful smile upon you. I think I have the Blues I see you up there …….

The Song No Longer Remains The Same ( Do not take this blog the wrong way. I do not condone the use of Heroin or any street opiate .) My lifestyle back then was that of “ Shake Verner “, a young buck living a nomadic and rebellious youth – certainly not today’s lifestyles of “ Dann ” or “ LightHouse “. BUT, with that said …….. . One of my favourite memories from back in the day was listening to this genre of song while Sister Heroin wrapped her captive arms around my soul and nodded me off to the psychedelic purple haze of Electric Lady Land. “ The Animals”,  Led Zeppelin,  “Lou Reed”, “Frank Zappa”, Brian Eno, Uriah Heep, Moody Blues and, most certainly, “McKe nna Mendelson Mainline” – were but a few of my influences. There was one who I placed upon a higher pedestal than all others. It was necessary as there was no other who fell under the realm of his unique styles. Until this very day there are no others that compare to or can be considered to be in th

For The Sake Of The World Israel Must Be Forced Into A Ceasefire

  Soooooo, I have to stop watching the news because I cannot believe how lackadaisical the average person has become in regards to Israel’s actions of genocide. First, CONGRATULATIONS TO SOUTH AFRICA FOR HAVING THE BALLS TO SPEAK UP AGAINST ISRAEL’S BLATANT GENOCIDE OF THE PALESTINIANS. Second,  SHAME ON THE UNITED STATES FOR SUPPORTING NETANYAHU AND AGREEING WITH HIS STATING THAT HE IS NOT COMMITTING GENOCIDE. Come on people, open your eyes and open your mouths!!!! Over  22,000  Palestinian innocent noncombatants slaughtered. Revenge for the Hamas slaughtering  1,200  Israelis. The numbers don’t lie. Politicians lie! Israel is not saying how many of the 22,000 were actually Hamas terrorists.  Wonder why? Guaranteed that it is less than 10 percent of the casualties. Gaza now has 2 million displaced VICTIMS! TWO MILLION!!! Gaza is experiencing a humanitarian disaster like no other and it can only get worse. Israeli stormtroopers have purposely destroyed almost all the infrastructure and