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Showing posts from September, 2012

Sometimes It Is Hard Not To Be "Hard"

In less then two weeks I shall reach the young age of fifty-five - five point five decades of wandering through the mist of life. Of strolling over and beyond the mountains of experiences and existence within the realms of these so-called 'modern' times. In many ways I am glad that my lives have been so hard. They started on October fifth, 1957 when I was born a 'blue' baby under a blue moon to parents too young to comprehend what my path through life would entail. Baby Dann 1958 For those who are in the know, these were days of confusion. Rock and roll had just been born, most males were either emulating Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash or James Dean. My father was a Cash man. My mother was James Dean. I did not stand a chance. At six months my mother decided that because I resembled 'Al Capone' I was going to be too hard to handle and thus abandoned me. With my older siblings in tow she gathered all that she could and escaped my father and I to the wi