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Showing posts from July, 2024

After Midnight

Darkness falls bringing on night Conscience stirs shadows in Light Lay I down head upon bed Pillow’s softness envelopes my head Eyes closed feel I glimmering Light Opened see I shadows of night Day’s events dance through my head Tomorrow’s arrival may I not dread Forceful thoughts of love’s desires Dance behind dream’s fires Wish I may wish I might May thoughts rest this night Many loves have come and gone Heart knows not where to belong What once was now is no more Broken heart behind loves backdoor Come tomorrow dawn’s early light Sad dreams be left within this night New day brings deja vu There lays love meant only for you


What the frack is wrong with you Americans?  Standing ovation for Netanyahu and his band of baby killers! HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN ARRESTED AND PASSED ONTO THE WORLD COURT!!! Guaranteed that you war mongers will give him more bombs to finish the genocide. Speaking of which,   YOU ARE JUST AS GUILTY AS ISRAEL B6 SUPPORTING AND ENABLING THE GENOCIDE!!!!! SHAME ON YOU!!!!

I Dodged The Bullet Once Again

Those of you who know me, or of me  know well the numerous instances of medical problems that have plagued my life these past few years. By the end of 2021 I had been legally dead, resuscitated and on life support on seven occasions. As of today, July 5th, 2024 that has increased to twelve times . Most people experience death only once. They don’t come back to try life once again. So putting all that aside, let me bring you up to date with the latest chapter of “ Dying Dann’s Adventures With Death” . (Check my YouTube channel for numerous videos of my ‘Adventures With Death.) I was diagnosed with oropharyngeal  cancer and Squamous Cell Carcinoma on October 28th, 2018. The Squamous Cell Carcinoma was eradicated with experimental radical radiation treatments in early March 2020. I had 80 rounds of Harwins Protocol  radiation in 20 days. A double session every morning and repeated every afternoon. Very radical and powerful rounds of treatment. Treatments that, as all radiation treatments

Night Upon Night

  Here sit I, night upon night Pondering why it seems so  right The serenity of eve’s stillness Reminds of night’s calmness When reflections of day Minds randoml y   replay Body floats into a trance Processing days circumstance Correlating facts abound Assuring this day be sound Sleep will pull me into the stream Of positive thought within a dream Come the dawning of new day Sun Solidifies yesterday be don e

I Cannot Believe That We Are Still Only Talking But Not Stopping Israel’s Blatant Genocide

  When is the WORLD going to realize that Netanyahu, the IDF and Israel, in general, are doing their best to start the THIRD and FINAL WORLD WAR? Why are we allowing Israel to be the bully in the schoolyard? Everyone up in arms over the 1200 slaughtered on October 7th,  2023, yet WE ALL HAVE ALLOWED  Israel to slaughter over 38,000 (thirty-eight thousand) Palestinians in a revenge fueled genocide? Keep in mind that most of the dead are noncombatant INNOCENT CIVILIANS! They are not Hamas terrorists  – they are citizens of Gaza.  Very few of the slaughtered are actually Hamas. So, when these IISRAELI TERRORISTS state that they are not going to stop, no matter what we say, until Hamas has been wiped off the face of the planet they are actually stating that they are going to continue with the genocide of the Palestinian people.  Not only the Hamas, but also the Palestinian population. Is not that the exact same attitude that Hitler and his Natzi’s held against the Jews during the Second Wo

What is happening with the Israeli slaughtering Palestinians? Did a giant cat rip out your tongues?

  Like the title says, “ What is happening with the Israeli slaughtering Palestinians? Did a giant cat rip out your tongues? “ Seems to me that there has been a lull in people speaking out about the war crimes of the   Israeli Defense Forces and, also, Netanyahu. I fear that society will drop the ball in the final hour and Israel will have succeeded in the Gaza genocide. (We have dropped the ball many times in  the past. ) IT IS ABSOLUTELY PERTINENT THAT WE KEEP PRESSURE ON THE FREE COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD TO PUT AN IMMEDIATE STOP TO NETANYAHU AND THE IDF. It is equally important that Netanyahu, his war team and any other war criminal, be they Hamas or Israeli   be   HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS by the World   Court ! The Palestinian people have the right to live without fear and have a place they may call “home” just as we all have. It is long past due that we as a society learn how to put the “human”  back into “humanity”.