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Showing posts from August, 2024

A Justified Fear.

With all that is going on in the world I have a fear. A justified fear. A fear of nuclear war. The aggression of Russia, the insanity of North Korea, the numerous conflicts in Africa and the chaos taking place in the Middle East scares me. I am sure that there are many I have neglected to list. These are the main reasons I have this fear. I am far from being a conspiracy theorist. In fact I consider myself to be a realist. Take the recent insanity of Israel’s actions. They are purposely  ‘poking the bear’  throughout the Middle East.  Gaza, the Palestinian genocide, Lebanon, Golan Heights, Iran, just to name a few. Society worldwide is teetering on the edge of collapse. There are serious conflicts on every continent. Even the great United States is full of social unrest and political turmoil. Take the malicious attack by Israel on Iran and Lebanon.  Now Iran is in the position that they have no choice but to strike back. And they most certainly will. In fact they have warned that Israe

“Hey, Suz, is that you?”

  “Hey, Suz, is that you?” Many people confuse ‘ Religion ‘ with ‘ Faith ‘. You can have ‘ Faith ‘ without ‘ Religion ‘,  but you cannot have ‘ Religion ‘ without ‘ Faith ‘. Look at the many wars, past and present, that are based on “ religious conflicts “. Show me one war that has been fought over Faith. Almost every religion is hypocritical. They preach that we should live life in harmony with our fellow man. That is, as long as that man has the same belief as you. The only religions that do not have that mindset are Hinduism and Buddhism. Is it alright to kill those who do not follow your religion?  The majority of people seem to think so. Is a Palestinian life of less value then that of a Jew? Since the beginning of recorded history there has NEVER been a time with no ongoing conflicts in the Middle East. Ironically,  we call that same area “ The Holy Land “. But, it is the most unholy region on the planet. Political gains are masked under the label of Religion. However, political

“Canadian Me” NOT “American Me”

I wish my fellow Canadians could have as much enthusiasm about CANADIAN politics as they do our Southern neighbours politics. Do you know that a large percentage of Canadians,  both old and young, think that Canada is part of the United States? This is disheartening to say the least. Maybe if we were to teach Canadian history and culture   in our   schools and place less emphasis on that of our Southern neighbours they would realize that Canada is NOT a part of the United States. Here’s a prime example: One of my own sons, who at the time was in   his thirties, asked me one day why we had both a President and a Prime Minister. At first I thought either I had misheard him or he was joking. He was neither. He was serious. As his father this made me feel as if I had failed in my duties. We had a lengthy discussion about North American geography and the politics of the various  countries . Having awoken my curious side I began to research how many of my fellow  countrymen   were politicall

Not Everyone Is Replaceable

People should understand that not everyone is replaceable. A fine example of this is losing one’s child or parent. It creates a spiritual void that can never be filled. When my Mom was murdered in 1981 a part of my very essence died with her. Disappearing into that cold dark valley of doom, gloom and self-pity we all conceal so well. During that time I believed her death to be the worst event of my life. It was not. My son, Jordan, hung himself on Christmas morning 2019. A thousand miles from home in  little Alberta town named “ Black Diamond” . He was 29 years old. A young man whose life had only just begun. That was the day I was taught that the intensity of pain has no limits. I am no longer ‘ whole ‘ – nor shall I ever be. I am broken. Time does not ‘ heal ‘. Not in the least. Rather it teaches us how to hide our pain and sorrow. Shuttered behind false smiles and robotic responses. Hidden from the reality and responsibilities of life’s expectations. So as not to inflict the dispari

We Talk And Talk, Yet We Still Allow The Slaughter To Continue

  When are “WE” going to stop Israel from committing war crime after war crime? Will it be when the United States tells us to? WHY IS IT THAT ISRAEL CAN DO NO WRONG IN THE EYES OF THE AMERICANS? In my opinion, the American people and our Canadian government are just as guilty as Israel by funding the genocide and supplying the very bombs and bullets that are being used to slaughter innocent noncombatant civilians. WE SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF OURSELVES FOR ASSISTING THE INSANITY OF NETANYAHU AND HIS BAND OF BABY KILLERS! NETANYAHU SHOULD HAVE BEEN ARRESTED AS SOON AS HE STEP FOOT ON AMERICAN SOIL. INSTEAD YOU SMILED AND GAVE HIM A STANDING OVATION!!! America profits from assisting the Israeli terrorist forces by supplying the armaments used in destroying countries. There lays no doubt whatsoever that the American government is in bed with the Israeli terrorists. They further profit when they get the contracts to go in and rebuild what they assisted in destroying! Shame,  shame, shame on the