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Showing posts from June, 2024

I Have Always Been A Chevy Man. No Fords In My Life

  This Ontario Science Center  closure   smells     smells like yet another one of  Ford’s   shady backroom deals. “ Don’t be a Ford Fool “ Do any of you believe that it is a coincidence that “all of a sudden” the Center has to be closed for the public’s safety? Before you try to defend Ford, take into account that no where’s in the architect’s report did they say that the complex is unsafe for occupancy. They did state that two sections of the roof were in dire need of repair and that it should be done before the winter arrives. This fiasco has the same sour smell as the Greenbelt controversy. If I have learned anything from 66 years of life it is simply this ……. “If it smells fishy then it is fishy.” Only a fool would believe that this is a coincidence. “Don’t be a Ford Fool.”

When are we going to stop Israel? When?

  When are we going to stop Israel? When ? When it’s too late? It already is too late It was too late many months ago! If any other country was to bomb an United Nations school you all would be demanding justice. Israel has done it numerous times,  including earlier today, and all we do is mention it on the news. Again I ask …… What is Israel holding over everyone that we are allowing them to have free reign to slaughter civilians and commit genocide? Israel should be stopped immediately! Netanyahu and his band of baby killers have gone way too far. Are we just going to keep talking until there is no Gaza left? Till the genocide is complete? THE WORLD WOULD NEVER ALLOW ANY OTHER NATION TO DO WHAT THESE ISRAELI TERRORISTS ARE DOING. IT IS TIME FOR THE WORLD TO STOP NETANYAHU AND TRY HIM FOR THE MANY WAR CRIMES HE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR. WHAT IS WRONG WITH EVERYONE? WE SHOULD HAVE STOPPED ISRAEL  30, 000 MURDERS AGO. NETANYAHU IS A MODERN DAY NATZI  AS FAR AS I AM CONCERNED. HE IS DOING TO T

Three & A Half Minutes

  Here is a prime example of what is wrong with society … On the news this evening they spent three minutes and thirty seconds reporting on the triple broad daylight shooting in the North York suburb. Three and a half minutes! THEN … The same news show spent ten minutes reporting on the “ possibility ” of the LCBO Liquor Store workers going on strike. Not being “ on strike “, just a possibility. Ten Minutes! Meanwhile  … There are families crying as they were informed that three of their loved ones have become victims of gun violence. Not just victims,   deceased  victims. Hopefully  … The LCBO workers do not go on strike before these poor, distraught families and their friends have enough time to buy alcoholic beverages to numb their pain. Come on People! Don’t you think it is high time we start to get our priorities straight? Are we living in such a cold, self centered world that alcohol is more news worthy than the victims of gun violence? As a society we need to take a huge step ba

If You Are In Utah Stop Drinking The Water Immediately

  Look at this stupidity! This woman actually posted this reply on my post saying it was a good day to get my brain surgery! We are living in a worldwide version of Sodom and Gommorra! All this social media sex trade crap, stopping teaching youth how to write cursive, all the scams, all the damn winers, the redefining of male versus females and the church’s becoming involved in politics has painted a sad, sad picture of the world as it is today. Sooner or later something is going to happen to knock some sense back into the world. I can remember a time when a woman had self respect and teenage girls didn’t go to school dressed like they were going to the “club”. I  also remember when men showed women the respect they deserve and did not treat them like a bunch of sex workers. There are some dark days soon to fall upon society. I knew we were doomed when I could no longer buy real black licorice!

Here’s A Thought…

  Here’s a thought to consider. Let’s imagine the following situation.  For once the United States stops kissing Netanyahu’s genocidal buttocks and immediately ceases supplying aid of every sort, including military and/or humanitarian aid, to Israel. Finally telling Netanyahu and the IDF that “ No means no!”. That the United States will no longer be an allie in the genocide and the numerous war crimes taking place in the Gaza strip. That the death of   37,000 Palestinian Non-combatants,  the majority of which are children and elderly, far surpasses revenge for the 1,200 victims of the Hamas attack on October 7th, 2024. Think about what I just said. Read the fine print. That fateful October day  infuriated  people   and all understood that retaliation was well founded   and expected. I am positive that no one gave thought or concern to the fact that Israel would   slaughter 3 7 000, that’s thirty-seven thou sand,  ‘Palestinians’. Key word here is  ‘Palestinian civilians’ . Not  ‘Hamas t

What’s Up With Vagina’s?

Obviously this is a topic most will avoid. Not the type of conversation males or females want to openly discuss. I can’t help myself I have to stir the pot. I believe that the invention of full body deodorant, such as  Lume,  may have been the catalyst of “ The Great Coverup of  2024″. This opened the door to an influx of feminine product commercials. ( Most of which seem to air during the dinner hours.) Years ago the invention of “ wings”  revolutionized the feminine sanitary napkin pad. “With improved absorption.” Women were relieved to know that the chance of  “leaking”  was greatly reduced. Recently, just about all early evening, there are commercials introducing a new and improved pad that comes in far more sizes.  From small to extra large. If the pad doesn’t suffice they have revolutionized the feminine diaper, also. That’s right. Now you can laugh at the club and not have to leave embarrassed . The newest addition to the saga of the vagina is a new type of moisturizing lubrican