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Showing posts from September, 2024

This Thought

  I thought a thought. I thought it a lot. It was a pleasant thought, I  thought. It caused me to smile. It lasted a while, That thoughtful smile. Lasting the while. This thought I thought. Negative not. Is what we got. Yet, still that thought Is thought a lot. Yes This thought I thought.

Great Move By Toronto Housing

  Kudos to Toronto Housing for their taking a positive action and opening up “Help Centres” in many of their buildings. These Help Centers give the tenants access to numerous resources that presently they would have to spend hours on the phone or have to travel across town to use . I truly believe that these Centers will   do a tremendous amount of good   for their clients .  One can only hope that in the near future there shall be a Centre in all their buildings. I know this for fact because I live in a building that has been doing similar for many years now. It is owned and operated by The Neighbourhood Link Homes . The tenants here have ‘in-house’ access to numerous Senior’s resources such as, social workers, PSW’s and most any program available. For three years I have been preaching how Toronto Housing should initiate the same sort of protocols in there residences. I am sure my preaching had nothing whatsoever to do with their implementation of their Help Centres. It’s purely coinc

What's It Going To Take?

  What is it going to take before we stop talking and take action? We should cut off all munition sales to Israel.  Netanyahu and his band of baby killers should be arrested and held accountable for their war crimes. There will be no fourth war. Israel is doing it’s best to start a world war. This is a reality. The world MUST put a stop to Israel’s aggression once and for all.  No other country in the world would get away with what Israel is doing!!! Why are we all   so afraid of Israel and letting them be the bully in the schoolyard???

What Is It Going To Take To StopThis Insanity?

  What is it going to take to stop the insanity that Israel has created? By the time we get off our  procrastinating asses and   actually take action against Israel, it  may   be far too late to stop a third and final world war . It is very obvious that Netanyahu and his band of baby killers want to start a world war. Sad part is that we are standing here watching it unfold.  Everyone   Is talking and acknowledging that Israel is and has committed war crime after war crime, but no one is taking actions to stop  Israel’s   crimes . You may think that I am making a mountain out of a molehill or that I am a tree hugging conspiracy theorist. Rest assured I most definitely am not! I am a “realist” and I see the reality of the world’s   decline. And it worries me to no end. If we all keep procrastinating and simply keep talking instead of cutting off all munition sales and all funding of EVERY sort to Israel maybe, just maybe, we may be able to save what is left of the Palestinian population


The Oxford dictionary defines   “Mortality”   as, and I quote, (1)   “The state of being subject to death.”   Or (2) “ Death, especially on a large scale”.) I always presumed that it was  “the desire or ability to live forever”.  So naturally you can understand my surprise upon learning that for sixty-seven years I was misinformed. I do know that we all desire to live beyond our wildest dreams. Being able to witness eons of culture and mankind’s existence. The proverbial  “life eternal.” The scientific mind would debate the fallacies of eternal existence. Arguing that to do so would eventually lead to over population and thus the destruction of our species. A fact that cannot be ignored. The religious scholar teach us to believe that we  do  live for eternity. Not as a physical being, though. They lead us to believe that upon death we will transcend to  “Heaven”  or, perhaps,  “Hades” . Regardless, it shall be life eternal.  Either in the smoking torment of the fires of  Hell  or in th

A Danny, Darkly

“The Ramblings of a Damaged Mind” “A Danny, Darkly” A Collection of Thoughts, Opinions, Poetry, Mindless Banter and sincere Philosophies, in lawman terms:        “The Ramblings of a Damaged Mind” “A Danny, Darkly”

My Latest Book, “A Danny, Darkly” Available Now Book overview Some label me as an author and others perceive me as a writer. To me, an author is one who formulates a story created via a story line and storyboard. A tale they have already written in their minds. An author must rely upon their education, mastering of language, formatting and various other learned talents to convey their tale to the reader Does this not sound like a time consuming and systematic generic task? An author tells a systematically structured story. Told in a generic format learned while being schooled. Unlike an author, I do not blueprint my words. I do not have a story-line. I do not create a planned story. Writing the content following a script is not how I wish to be. I want to convey to the reader the realness and the flaws that are within me. I do not know where a story is heading beforehand. Often I am quite unsure what the story is about. My methodology is primal at best. It is performed “ on the fly “. If something I see, hear

There’s A Culling Coming Our Way

  There’s definitely a culling coming to mankind. The herd has grown too large for the Earth to sustain. We have been culled before. “ The Black Plague”, “The Influe nza  Epidemic   of 1918″ ,  The Ancash Earthquake   of 1970, just to name a few. Perhaps it will be that the climate continues to warm until a large portion of the planet will become uninhabitable.   Personally, I believe that before the climate gets us it will be by our own hand .  We will have a nuclear war. Soon. Society has gone haywire. We removed Prayer from the schools (unless you are a Muslim). We have taught our children that their parents authority is limited and they have the right to make decisions about their lives even though they know nothing about life. Apparently   their is far more than two sexes. Which I will never understand. When I am getting dressed and I notice my penis swinging to and fro,   I know that I am a male of my species. When I am lucky enough to lay my eyes upon a women’s body and I notice

Federal Employees Whining Because The Government Wants Them to Work 3 Days a Week in House

Federal employees whining because the government wants them to work 3 days a week in house. Imagine that! The nerve of our government to tell them to do their damn jobs. They still get to sit home four days a week. They should have been brought back to working five days a week as soon as the pandemic was considered over. This infuriates me to no end! It’s bad enough that our Parliament is rarely actually sitting and doing their jobs. Look at the following statistics: Over fifty percent of the time they are in recess. Most of the time that they are actually sitting they are arguing over nonsense! No   wonder hardly anything gets accomplished! And now the staff of the Federal Government are complaining about working in their offices 3 days per week? Since before the pandemic and most certainly during the pandemic it has been almost an impossibility to deal with any of the various Government agencies. Before the pandemic they were working in their offices thirty-seven hours per week . The